Cleaning and Sport Equipment storage: An Effective Yet Simple Solution For Killing Game-Changing Bacteria

Sports Equipment Storage: An Effective Yet Simple Solution For Killing Game-Changing Bacteria

sports equipment storage

It’s the end of an exciting game and you’re worn out and ready for a hot, relaxing shower. You throw your still-moist hockey shirt, helmet and sports gear into your sports locker and head on to the shower room.


The easy first step to keeping your equipment from getting smelly and moldy is to get it dry. Using a PlayerStall hockey locker is a simple sports equipment storage solution for getting your gear off the floor, up in the air and keeping it dry.


The most popular drying solutions are great, but you can create your very own sports equipment cleaning solution. Here’s how:


Mix in 3/4 teaspoon of bleach in 500mL of room temperature water. This solution is powerful enough to kill the most common bacteria. Make sure not to overdo the bleach part because it can damage your fabrics.


Pour the bleach-water solution into a big, flat container or a tub, then put big items such as hockey pads to soak. You can also add the solution to when you’re washing your clothes in a washing machine. Be sure to dry it out thoroughly. Don’t put bleach directly on your uniform because it can ruin your clothes.


Disinfection must be carried out if your gear or equipment has blood on it. Here’s what you’ll need:


Pour in 3 tablespoons bleach in 5L of cold water. Put on some gloves and vigorously scrub the contaminated sections until the stain is removed. Set it in a well ventilated area until it is dry.


After your equipment has been washed, you will want to make a spray so you can quickly disinfect your equipment if you don’t have the time to thoroughly wash it. Heres how:


  • Take a spray bottle and use 5 parts water to one part vinegar
  • Add a few drops of scented essential oil such as lemon or lavender
  • Spray all parts of your equipment and set it in a well ventilated area 


This quick solution will kill harmful bacteria and bad smells. 


Ensure your hockey equipment and gear will smell odorless by drying them using a PlayerStall Wood locker. PlayerStall offers simple and affordable sports equipment storage solutions to make it easy for you or your kids to break the habit of leaving all the sports gear in a bag, trunk or spread out all over the garage floor. Transform your mudroom into a neat and tidy area using a PlayerStall mudroom locker.


Keeping your sports equipment dry will preserve it for a lot longer and using a sports equipment storage locker is a quick and easy way to do it- Your sports equipment will thank you for it!


Head over to our website to check out all our equipment drying solutions: